Add Tempt to your homescreen

Add on iOS

Just tap the share button on your iPhone/iPad then tap Add to Home Screen.

Add on Chrome

Just tap the menu button on your phone or tablet and select Add to Home Screen.

On your Homescreen

Then just tap the Tempt icon on your homescreen to interact with your favourite social media stars.

Tempt - all your favourite Social Media Stars

Tempt is an app which allows you to follow your favourite Social Media Stars. See their day to day lives and get an exclusive ‘day in the life of’ experience.

Tempt - follow for exclusive pics and videos

Follow your Social Media Star's feed

Get real-time updates on your favourite Social Media Stars activities, interactions and more by following their feeds

Tempt - chat with your favourite Social Media Stars

Chat to each other

Chat to them to get an extra level of communication which is currently often unheard of. View photos of them and get extra premium content only available on Tempt.